
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Welcome to Austen Efforts!

Austen Efforts

How Austen Efforts Began:
Jane Austen is my favorite author so I love it when new movie adaptations are filmed and eat up every little bit of media about them. I originally set up the old Austen Efforts pages in 2006-2008 to collect information for myself and other Jane Austen fans about the then new ITV and BBC adaptations.

Our Purpose:
This new reworked Austen Efforts blog is dedicated to all Jane Austen adaptations, biographical films, and spin offs. We hope to collect the best information about every TV movie and film related to Jane Austen.

What You'll Find Here:
Here you'll find cast & character listings, photo galleries, detailed film reviews, trailers, movie clips, official site links, original airing dates and production details for each film.

Contact Us:
This site is a work in progress so I appreciate your input! 
If you'd like to contact me with anything of interest regarding Jane Austen or just to comment you can e-mail me at:
I look forward to hearing from you!

Link to Austen Efforts:

Austen Efforts

Austen Efforts

Austen Efforts

Austen Efforts

Austen Efforts

Austen Efforts

Austen Efforts


  1. I really enjoy reading your blog. I'm hosting a Jane Austen birthday party right now and there's a contest I really think you should enter -

  2. Wonderful site! I've got lots more adaptations to watch I see :)
